Philosophy & Mission

At HAVI, we care not only about what we achieve, but how we achieve it. The principles in our Philosophy represent how we have operated from our earliest days – and what will help us achieve growth and success in the future. Only by living these principles every day can we achieve our mission to "Deliver the Promise."

HAVI Founder and Chairman
Ted Perlman

The HAVI Philosophy

Operate with honesty and integrity, give back to the community and foster sustainable business operations
Earn customers' long-term trust through thought leadership, focus on customer value and by always doing what we say and saying what we do
Provide a challenging, supportive and inclusive environment in which employees can thrive
Find new and creative ways to meet customer and market needs
Work together with customers and suppliers and within and across businesses
Ensure diverse perspectives are present and valued

The HAVI Mission


We promise our customers…
To earn your long-term trust through thought leadership, focus on customer value and by always doing what we say and saying what we do
We promise our people…
To provide an environment that enables you to unlock your own promise and potential
We promise our suppliers/partners…
To partner with you to serve the customer and ensure our long-term, mutual success